Regular training, diligent calorie counting and yet: the weight stagnates. How can that be? We give tips to help you avoid weight stagnation.
Eating healthy and exercising is not always enough. What can be the reason if, despite a strict diet plan and renunciation of any sins and sports, the weight stagnates? Metabolic adaptation instead of weight loss
The body strives for a balanced calorie balance. If the calorie intake decreases, the metabolism also slows down.
The body burns fewer and fewer calories until only as many calories are burned as you consume. You reach a weight loss plateau where weight stagnates.
If you want to lose weight in the long term, we always recommend a moderate calorie deficit of 200 to 500 calories. If your deficit is higher, it can put your body in a state of hunger. As a result, he burns fewer calories than before. With our free calorie calculator you can quickly find out how many calories you should consume in the calorie deficit. It is also important that you adjust your calorie needs regularly. In addition, you can use natural weight loss aids such as our glucomannan caps to support your weight loss*. What I eat on the side has no calories. Or is it?
Often, extra calories are the reason why weight stagnates. Often the calorie consumption is overestimated by physical exertion. Extra exercise during a diet is not an excuse to sin more.
A food diary can help to consciously reflect on your eating habits in the first few weeks. Find out which foods are your personal calorie traps. However, we do not recommend that you only meticulously count calories. However, a nutrition protocol can help you stay on track every few weeks.
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Especially in the initial phase of a diet, it is essential that the nutrition plan is adhered to and attention is paid to a diet with protein-rich foods.
Don’t have time to cook? No problem! You can also cover your protein needs with protein shakes or protein-containing snacks. Stagnant weight due to muscle growth
Anyone who does sports while losing weight quickly feels physical changes. Whether weight training or endurance training: muscle growth and fat loss come through regular sports in full swing.
The change in body composition can cause weight to stagnate. Nevertheless, the fat pads disappear. Because muscles are powerhouses: They burn calories even at rest and the body becomes firmer and more defined despite weight stagnation.
Even short-term weight gain is nothing to worry about. Muscles are about 10% heavier than adipose tissue, much denser and consist of almost 80% water. © istock/ jacoblundIrregular and incorrect training
Sport and weight loss go hand in hand. It is often forgotten that the training must be adapted according to the goals. Top sporting performances, excessive weights or irregular training sessions do not bring success in the long run.
A healthy mediocrity is the goal. Regular training, sensibly chosen exercises, moderate intensities and variations in the training plan prevent weight from stagnating. Stress hormones cause weight to stagnate
Too intensive training and lack of regeneration lead to weight stagnation in the long term. If the muscles and the autonomic nervous system cannot recover due to too few breaks and sleep, the body produces more stress hormones. Tiredness, listlessness and weakness can be the first signs. Those who lose muscle mass gain weight faster. The stress hormone cortisol, for example, causes less sugar and fats to be transported into the muscles and burned there. Instead, the nutrients are transported into the fat cells.
The muscles now use the body’s own protein to convert the amino acids into glucose, thus gaining energy. So they gradually degrade themselves. If the cortisol level remains permanently elevated, it can lead to the loss of muscle.
Support your body with sufficient time for regeneration and with a steady supply of protein with high biological value. For a constant protein supply, try our 3k protein. Lack of adjustment of daily calorie intake
In order to lose weight, the daily calorie requirement must first be calculated on the basis of age, height, weight and range of motion. This can be done, for example, with the help of a calorie calculator.
As time progresses, weight decreases and so does the daily calorie requirement. If diet and eating habits are not adapted to these new conditions, the previously determined calorie deficit is automatically not met.BrownSWhat ©to do if the weight stagnates? 4 Tips
In order to prevent or delay a possible weight loss plateau, it is important to check the weight, training and nutrition in advance, correct it if necessary, create a nutrition plan and maintain it.
What you should consider: Check the current weight level for at least 1-2 weeks. Compare the result with your initial weight.1. Weight control on a comparable basis.
Establish a fixed scheme for weight control. Determine not only a fixed time of day, but also a fixed time in terms of the training cycle. Proper weighing is the basis for a valid review of progress. A possible time would be immediately after getting up on an empty stomach and 1 day after the last training session.
What you should ask yourself: How did the last week of training go? Have you completed your training workload? Is the training too intense or too weak?2. Change the intensity and workload of the training.
Exercise variations and adjustments to the training intensity and the training scope give the muscles new stimuli. Even if there is a lot of other things to do, still try to keep the training 2-3 times a week so that the weight does not stagnate again.
A possible rhythm would be to change the training plan every 4 to 6 weeks.
What you should ask yourself: Has the nutrition plan been strictly adhered to?3. Plan the calorie deficit at fixed intervals.
In order to lose weight in the long term, a dynamic adjustment of the nutrition plan and calorie requirements is the key to weight loss success. For example, determine the calorie deficit every four weeks and adapt it to the current conditions and training schedule.
Tip: Document your daily calorie intake with a food diary. Keep an eye on the sports sessions with a training logbook.
We also give you the opportunity to create a nutrition plan yourself based on precise templates.
What you should ask yourself: Were there enough breaks between training sessions? Can you sleep properly? Do you feel fit and well rested?4. Reduce stress and regenerate.
Plan firm, training-free days, regular relaxation and enough sleep. It is essential to give your body time to recharge after training and to supply your muscles well, for example with our Recovery Aminos.
Whether meditation, massages, relaxation baths or just doing nothing and letting your soul dangle. Make sure that both mental and physical recovery are scheduled for the relaxation program. Result
Weight stagnation often occurs, so the nutrition and training plan should be adapted and optimized. Keep this adjustment for at least one week. Repeat the process and compare the results obtained.
Even if progress is not yet visible or very slow, keep the new course. Keep the following points in mind and with a nutrition little patience, time and planning, even the last pounds will decrease. This allows you to dynamically adjust your calorie needs:Train regularly at the intensity that suits you.Change your training schedule at regular intervals.Establish fixed rules for weighing.Create enough time for breaks, rest and sleep.
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