Congratulations, you took the first step and calculated the most important metrics.1. Step – Understanding the calorie deficit
In order to lose weight, you need a calorie deficit. This means that if you eat less than your total turnover (sum nutrition of basal metabolic rate + performance turnover), then you lose weight. The higher the calorie deficit, the faster you lose weight. This is the secret of all diets! You can easily determine your personal calorie deficit with this calorie deficit calculator.
Unfortunately, permanent compliance with a calorie deficit is impossible for almost all people. Even if the diet plan is followed, then the old habits quickly come up again and more is eaten again. Unfortunately, after the diet, your body has not changed so quickly, so that it uses the food supplied very effectively. This is how the yo-yo effect is created.
Our nutrition concept does not work with a blatant change. For now, you can continue to eat everything as before. Just one small restriction: From now on, you only eat 80% of your usual portion at every meal. Thus, you should reach a calorie deficit of 20%.
We use two laws from management theory for the success of your weight loss calculator:The Pareto principle (20-80 rule)
With 20% effort you achieve 80% of the result – We concentrate on the effective 20% of the measures to achieve your customer success. Thus, the effort for you is minimal and the JoJo effect is missing. The law of minimum constancy
If you lose 100 grams a day, this is almost unmeasurable. But in one week that is already 700 grams and in a month almost 3 kilos of body fat loss. Through this “creeping” weight loss, your body is not put into the weight loss alarm state and you read day after day, week after week, month after month quite comfortably and without real renunciation your kilos.
However, the law of minimum constancy helps you to get more money in your account. Since you save something every day when shopping, this amount also adds up every day, week after week, month after month. So you can save about 3400,- EUR in 5 years.2. Step – first week
If you really want to change something about yourself, get started right away. You do not need to lose weight loss pills, dietary supplements or other things to lose kilos for our concept. You need some patience and planning as well as the motivation to save 20% of your daily food. Either you cook less or you pack away the rest and eat the saved food at the next meal.
In the first few days of each day, you should stand on the scales on an empty stomach in the morning and record weight and body fat. It’s best to enter your values right away in our free nutrition planner app.
Important: In the first week you do not change anything else. You eat what you feel like. Just pay attention to your 20% calorie savings. After a week, you should have lost about 0.5 to 1 kilo and lost body fat. If so, you can move on to the third step. Otherwise, you need to increase your calorie deficit by 10%. It’s important that you eat less than your total turnover. With the Nutrition Planner app, you can track your food and monitor your calorie intake.3. Step – second week
This week is about optimizing your diet a bit. You start to replace empty carbohydrates with valuable carbohydrates moderately or increase your vegetable content. You probably won’t be able to eat as much this week because your stomach has gotten used to the smaller portion sizes.4. Step – third week
You begin to optimize your sleep and movement. Through small changes with the help of our Pareto principle (20% of the effort brings 80% of the result) you concentrate on things that really make a difference. Again, the changes are so minimal that you will hardly feel them. But your body will be stronger, more rested and you will be more motivated and feel better than you have in a long time.